A Knowledge Enthusiast and ambitious Software Engineer with 4+ years of practical experience.
Additionally has a good personality and adapts to different countries, multi-language, and diverse development environments.
Always considering cohesion and optimizing software with design patterns and algorithms.


Master, Software Engineering: University of Limerick Limerick, Ireland

(First-Class Honours 1.1)

Dissertation: Comparing Approaches for the Migration to Microservices Architecture using Smells
(A1 Grade)

BSc, Petroleum Engineering: University of Yangtze Jingzhou, China


AmdocsNov 2021 - Present

L3 Tech Support Engineer Dublin, Sep 2023

  • As the subject matter expert for Product Maintenance, fixed bugs in deployed software using agile methodology
  • Troubleshooting technical issues in collaboration with clients and solution delivery teams
  • On-call rotation

Software Engineer Dublin, Nov 2021

  • Provide mentorship and guidance to new hires on the components
  • Achieved agile development cycle requirements
  • Participating in product refinement session with architect and co-works
  • Designing project feature test plan and implementing test cases
  • Using VisualVM to analyze Java code and optimize performance
  • CVE scan and fix
  • Performance Test
  • Resiliency Test
  • Project: Amdocs Network Data Fabric (Development Platform on Centos 7.9) Kafka +Java 1.8 +Python +Shell Script +Docker +Kubernetes +Helm +Ansible +Maven +Jenkins +Git

    Amdocs Network Data Fabric (ANDF) is a real-time processing engine that can process data from many heterogeneous sources and deliver it to various data consumers. The data sources can include all types of telecom networks, and a multiplicity of external sources as required. It processes, enriches, and refines the data to the output and distributes the correct dataset to meet the specific business application.


    • Developing Big Data Project using (Java & Kafka)
    • Docker(izing) micro-services and deploying them on Kubernetes environment using Helm
    • Writing Units Tests using (Java & Shell Script), and Automation Tests using (Python & Shell Script)
    • Automating the project builds by using technologies such as Maven and Jenkins
    • Analyzing existing code and writing design documents for the implementation of refinement feature

University of Limerick Sep 2020 - Sep 2021

Microservices Architecture Researcher Limerick, Ireland

  • Microservices Research

    • Comparing Approaches for the Migration to Microservices Architecture using Smells
    • Build the microservices on Oracle Cloud using SSH, Docker
    • Modified application architecture is Java, SpringBoot, Microservices, routes REST requests to the appropriate backend server
  • Gym builder

    • This project aimed to critique the use of architecture and design patterns as a mechanism for supporting quality attributes.
    • Facilitated conceptualizing and designing back-end (Python & Flask), Database (SQLAlchemy).
  • ABM of the Supermarket Checkout System

    • Applied the ABM model to simulate the most practical purchase plan for supermarket revenue staff and customers in high concurrency scenarios (Golang).

Ping Jia Technology Co., Ltd.Aug 2018 - Apr 2019

Java Back-End Engineer Shanghai, China

  • Cooperate with account managers of Ping An Insurance Company for software product implementation and performance improvements
  • Cooperate code review with coworkers in the development cycle to find ideal solutions to problems
  • Collaborate with front-end and mobile developers
  • Project: Ping Jia Car Insurance (Spring Boot +MyBatis +MySQL +Redis +Swagger +Jenkins +Git)

    • Develop Microservices and Software Components from scratch using SpringBoot to implement the business logic, interact with the database using Mybaits, provide flexible API interfaces
    • Managing Car insurance source code using Git , releasing different versions by Jenkins
    • Refactor policy query statements to reduce query time from 5 seconds to 1 second
    • Achieve user login components, authority management system, policy details components, SMS sending functions

Yuan Ju Network Technology Co., Ltd.Apr 2017 - May 2018

Yuan Ju

Android Developer Shanghai, China

  • Development and maintenance of app (overseas version of Book Chaser)
  • Work cross functionally with other team members: other engineers, testers, designers and customer support
  • Attend scrum meetings, communicate with the product manager to ensure their requirements are fulfilled
  • Project: Book Chaser (Android SDK +Redis +Alibaba Cloud +Jenkins +Git)

  • Project address in google play: Book Chaser

    • An online reading application with 70 million users and 5 million daily active users. Online bug rate below 0.03%. Released the product in the Google Play market after passing strict tests
    • Achieved Google Pay in Book Chaser helps the company increase revenue every month
    • Injected Event Tracking into the app to help BI division analysis users data
    • Improved OkHttp for android RESTful integrations
    • Refactor entire application UI to optimize the code of the components and reduce coupling
    • Deployed and managed the updates of new android versions to Google play store


Programming and Scripting Language: Java 1.8, Python 2.7, SQL, Shell Script, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML

Frameworks:Kafka, KafkaSteamer, Kafka Connector, Spring Boot, SpringMVC, Flask

Development Environment:Emacs, Vim, IntelliJ, Eclipse, VS Code, Android Studio

Database System:MySQL, Redis, MyBatis, SQLAlchemy, SQLite

DevOps: Centos 7.9, Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Helm, Ansible

Android: Native Android development, Mobile development life cycle

Version Control Software: Git, SVN

  • Languages:

    • Mandarin Chinese (Native Speaker)
    • English (Advanced)

[email protected] • +353 (0)83 346 0631 • 30 years old
address - Cork, Ireland