####################Should change the firefox proxy#####################
get the password, userid is elastic
kubectl -n monitoring get secret monitoring-elasticsearch-es-elastic-user -o=jsonpath=’{.data.elastic}’ | base64 –decode; echo
do port forwarding on your dev-vm
kubectl port-forward –address svc/gateway-proxy -n monitoring 30090:80
minikube start –embed-certs minikube start –kubernetes-version=1.21.0 –embed-certs –cpus 2 –memory 16384
kubectl create ns cgf kubectl config set-context –current –namespace=cgf
cd ./acceptance_perf_soak/perf_new/scripts ./start_odf_test_container_k8s.sh ./copy_test_files.sh
kubectl apply -f ~/workspace/ngm-test-container/resources/k8s-pods/sftp-local.yaml
sh ~/workspace/ngm-test-container/acceptance_perf_soak/perf_new/scripts/deploy_strimzi_operator.sh
inside acceptance_perf_soak
kubectl apply -f ~/workspace/ngm-test-container/common/k8s/odf-test.yaml
kubectl apply -f ~/packages/ngm-test-container/common/k8s/odf-test.yaml
kubectl delete -f ~/workspace/ngm-test-container/resources/k8s-pods/sftp.yaml kubectl apply -f ~/workspace/ngm-test-container/resources/k8s-pods/sftp.yaml
kubectl apply -f ~/workspace/ngm-test-container/resources/k8s-pods/sftp-local.yaml kubectl delete -f ~/workspace/ngm-test-container/resources/k8s-pods/sftp-local.yaml
docker exec -it odf_test /bin/bash -c “export ODF_TEST_ENV=“k8s”;pytest -s /app/acceptance_perf_soak/test_main_perf_collect_data.py::test_perf_collect_data_source”
kubectl -n cgf exec -ti odf-cluster-kafka-0 – ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 –topic streams-input –from-beginning
kubectl -n cgf exec -ti odf-cluster-kafka-0 – ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 –topic streams-output –from-beginning
kubectl -n cgf exec -ti odf-cluster-kafka-0 – ./bin/kafka-console-consumer.sh –bootstrap-server localhost:9092 –topic streams-refOffers –from-beginning
kubectl exec -ti odf-sftp-0 – bash
/ngm-test-container/acceptance_perf_soak/scripts ./acceptance_perf_soak/scripts/run_test_enrich_strategy_key_k8s.sh
kubectl exec -ti kubectl get pod -l pod/name=schema-registry-helm | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n 1
-n cgf -c schema-registry-helm – bash -c “unset JMX_PORT ; kafka-avro-console-consumer –topic streams-input –bootstrap-server odf-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 –from-beginning –property print.key=true –property print.timestamp=true –property print.schema.ids=true –property print.headers=true –key-deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer”
kubectl exec -ti kubectl get pod -l pod/name=schema-registry-helm | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n 1
-n cgf -c schema-registry-helm – bash -c “unset JMX_PORT ; kafka-avro-console-consumer –topic streams-output –bootstrap-server odf-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 –from-beginning –property print.key=true –property print.timestamp=true –property print.schema.ids=true –property print.headers=true –key-deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer”
kubectl exec -it $schema_registry_pod -c schema-registry-helm – bash -c “unset JMX_PORT ; kafka-json-schema-console-consumer –from-beginning –bootstrap-server odf-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 –topic $2 –property print.key=true –key-deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer –property print.timestamp=true”
kubectl exec -ti kubectl get pod -l pod/name=schema-registry-helm | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n 1
-n cgf -c schema-registry-helm – bash -c “unset JMX_PORT ; kafka-avro-console-consumer –topic streams-error –bootstrap-server odf-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 –from-beginning –property print.key=true –property print.timestamp=true –property print.schema.ids=true –property print.headers=true –key-deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer”
kubectl exec -ti kubectl get pod -l pod/name=schema-registry-helm | awk '{print $1}' | tail -n 1
-n cgf -c schema-registry-helm – bash -c “unset JMX_PORT ; kafka-avro-console-consumer –topic streams-input-enrich –bootstrap-server odf-cluster-kafka-bootstrap:9092 –from-beginning –property print.key=true –property print.timestamp=true –property print.schema.ids=true –property print.headers=true –key-deserializer=org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer”
k exec -ti odf-cluster-schema-registry-57646c6787-dk9lq -c schema-registry-helm bash
unset JMX_PORT && kafka-avro-console-consumer –from-beginning –bootstrap-server odf-cluster-kafka-0.odf-cluster-kafka-brokers.kafka-external.svc.cluster.local:9092 –topic kafka-sink-output –property print. timestamp=true –group connect-cluster
export ODF_TEST_ENV=“k8s”;pytest -s /app/acceptance_perf_soak/test_main_perf_collect_data.py::test_perf_collect_data_streamer
helm list
kubectl get pod
kubectl get pod -o yaml
kubectl describe pod
kubectl logs
kubectl get kctr (connector)
kubectl get kctr
kubectl config set-context –current –namespace=cgf
kubectl cp ../test_lib/ cgf/odf-test:/app/ kubectl cp ../acceptance_perf_soak/ cgf/odf-test:/app/ docker cp ../acceptance_perf_soak/ odf_test:/app/ docker cp ../test_lib odf_test:/app/
kubectl describe pod strimzi-cluster-operator-56bcf69b8b-22hvc kubectl logs strimzi-cluster-operator-56bcf69b8b-22hvc
alias kgetpods=‘kubectl get pods’
for example kcuc dev-lab-odf-2 || kcuc dev-lab-odf-1
alias kcuc=‘kubectl config use-context’ alias kcsc=‘kubectl config set-context’ alias kcdc=‘kubectl config delete-context’ alias kccc=‘kubectl config current-context’
List all contexts
alias kcgc=‘kubectl config get-contexts’ alias kcn=‘kubectl config set-context –current –namespace’
set -ex docker exec odf_test mkdir -p /tmp/shared docker cp ../../test_lib/ odf_test:/app/ docker cp ../../acceptance_perf_soak/ odf_test:/app/
Create test result directory
[ ! -d /tmp/perf_result ] && mkdir /tmp/perf_result
Executing the Actual Test
docker exec -t odf_test /bin/bash -lc ’nohup python3 -u -m pytest -s /app/acceptance_perf_soak/test_main_perf.py::test_perf_enrich_strategy_key | tee test_perf_enrich_strategy_key.log'
Saves the test logs and results in host machine
docker exec -it odf_test bash -c ’ls -1 *.log’ | tr -d ‘\r’ | xargs -n1 -i docker cp odf_test:/app/{} /tmp/perf_result/{} docker exec -it odf_test bash -c ‘(cd /tmp && ls -1 *.csv)’ | tr -d ‘\r’ | xargs -n1 -i docker cp odf_test:/tmp/{} /tmp/perf_result/{} set +x
To elaborate the issue:
I am running a perf test ngm-test-container/acceptance_perf_soak/perf/e2e_enrich_key. For which I had updated the test script ngm-test-container/acceptance_perf_soak/scripts/run_test_enrich_strategy_key_k8s.sh with below updates:
Text set -ex docker exec odf-test mkdir -p /tmp/shared docker cp ../test_lib/ odf-test:/app/ docker cp ../acceptance_perf_soak/ odf-test:/app/
Create test result directory
[ ! -d /tmp/perf_result ] && mkdir /tmp/perf_result
Executing the Actual Test
docker exec -t odf-test /bin/bash -lc ’nohup python3 -u -m pytest -s /app/acceptance_perf_soak/test_main_perf.py::test_perf_enrich_strategy_key | tee test_perf_enrich_strategy_key.log’
Saves the test logs and results in host machine
docker exec -it odf-test bash -c ’ls -1 *.log’ | tr -d ‘\r’ | xargs -n1 -i docker cp odf-test:/app/{} /tmp/perf_result/{} docker exec -it odf-test bash -c ‘(cd /tmp && ls -1 *.csv)’ | tr -d ‘\r’ | xargs -n1 -i docker cp odf-test:/tmp/{} /tmp/perf_result/{} set +x
And before I ran the script, I executed script ’ngm-test-container/resources/scripts/minikube/install_odf_minikube_perf_assembly.sh’ And then I get sftp, odf-test and strimzi-cluster pod up. In the script, I set the variable minikube as true since I am running the test on local.
And then to get the pods kafka, zookeeper, SR, streamer etc. up, I executed:
helm upgrade -i -n cgf odf-assembly-test –version=2.8.2-SNAPSHOT openet-helm/odf-assembly -f ./perf/e2e_enrich_key/assembly-values-local.yaml
In assembly-value-local.yaml file, I have given tag for odf-streamer as 2.9.0-SNAPSHOT (2.9.1-SNAPSHOT also), strimizi connect package as 2.9.0-SNAPSHOT and all pods, gave enabled: true.
In the test file (test_config_perf_e2e_enrich_key.yaml), I provided chart version as 2.8.2-SNAPSHOT for odf-assembly-test.
But still, I am not getting the streamer pod up. Please help if I am still missing something.
docker exec -ti odf_test /bin/bash -c “export ODF_TEST_ENV=“k8s”;pytest -s /app/acceptance_perf_soak/test_main_perf_collect_data.py::test_perf_collect_data_streamer”